A downloadable game

This is the third of 3 games beng made as part of the Low Level Programming Module for BSc Games Technology at UWE Bristol.

This project was group work and was based on the work we did in the Play and  Games module. In that module we designed and created our own table-top games. Now we are tasked with turning them into networked games.

Each player starts the game with  $10,000 and 3,000 Carbon Credits (CC) and the winner is whoever reaches over $150,00 and 75,000 CC first. To do this, they will place down buildings onto the map which yield money and  carbon credits. Some buildings produce more than others and some can also be upgraded. Buildings that are not eco-friendly will be taxed CC but buildings that are eco-friendly produce CC. If you run out of CC then you will be taxed a lot of money instead and if you run out of both currencies then you are out of the game!

Development log

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